スペシャリティーコーヒー、なぜ産地によってコーヒー豆の味や香りに違いがでるのか?名古屋のスペシャリティーコーヒー店が解説(Why Specialty Coffee Flavors and Aromas Vary by Origin: Explained by Nagoya’s Specialty Coffee Shop, Z/X Coffee Shinsakae)
スペシャリティーコーヒー、なぜ産地によってコーヒー豆の味や香りに違いがでるのか?名古屋のスペシャリティーコーヒー店が解説(Why Specialty Coffee Flavors and Aromas Vary by Origin: Explained by Nagoya’s Specialty Coffee Shop, Z/X Coffee Shinsakae)
こんにちは、名古屋のスペシャリティーコーヒーセレクトショップ、Z/X coffee新栄です。
1. 気候と風土(テロワール)の影響
a. 温度と降水量
b. 日照量
c. 標高
2. 土壌と栽培環境
a. 火山灰土壌
b. 有機物が豊富な土壌
3. コーヒーの品種
4. 精製方法
a. ウォッシュド(Washed)
b. ナチュラル(Natural)
c. ハニープロセス(Honey Process)
5. 収穫・加工技術の影響
6. 焙煎の影響
Z/X coffee 新栄
地下鉄東山線 新栄町駅 2番出口から徒歩2分
TEL 052-684-5872
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Why Specialty Coffee Flavors and Aromas Vary by Origin: Explained by Nagoya’s Specialty Coffee Shop, Z/X Coffee Shinsakae
Hello, we’re Z/X Coffee Shinsakae, a specialty coffee select shop in Nagoya.
Today, we’ll explore why coffee beans have different flavors and aromas based on their origin, specifically in the context of specialty coffee.
In specialty coffee, the differences in taste and aroma by origin are influenced by factors such as climate, soil, altitude, cultivation methods, and coffee variety. Each factor contributes to unique flavors and aromas, which we’ll explain in detail below.
1. Climate and Terroir
Terroir—the combination of climate, soil, and geography—plays a significant role in shaping the flavors and aromas of coffee beans from a particular origin.
Temperature and Rainfall:
Temperature: Coffee beans grown in regions with a warm climate and significant day-to-night temperature variations often have bright acidity and complex flavors. Cool nights allow the beans to mature slowly, enhancing sweetness and aromatic compounds, resulting in balanced acidity and robust flavors.
Rainfall: Regions with high rainfall tend to produce beans with a fruit-forward, acidic profile, while drier regions yield beans with a fuller body. The mineral concentration in drier climates can create richer, deeper flavors.
Moderate sunlight encourages sugar accumulation, enhancing sweetness and body. Limited sunlight, on the other hand, can lead to sharper acidity and lighter aromatics.
Coffee beans from high altitudes (1,200 meters or more) mature slowly due to lower temperatures, resulting in beans with bright acidity and fruity aromas. For instance, coffees from the highlands of Ethiopia or Kenya are often characterized by citrus-like acidity and floral aromas.
In lower altitudes, beans mature faster, leading to simpler flavors with less acidity and more prominent bitterness.
2. Soil Composition and Growing Environment
The mineral content and organic matter in the soil greatly influence the taste and aroma of coffee.
Volcanic Soil:
Rich in minerals, volcanic soil contributes complexity and depth to the flavor profile of coffee beans. For example, beans grown in Guatemala or Costa Rica’s volcanic regions often have a full-bodied, sweet profile.
Organic-Rich Soil:
Soil with high organic matter allows beans to absorb ample nutrients, producing beans with smooth body, sweetness, and aromatic notes like fruit and floral hints.
3. Coffee Varieties
Different coffee varieties, such as Arabica and Robusta, exhibit unique characteristics that impact flavor and aroma.
Arabica: Known for its acidity, fruitiness, and floral notes, Arabica beans are commonly grown in Ethiopia and Colombia, yielding fruity and aromatic coffee.
Robusta: Contains a stronger bitterness and higher caffeine content, producing a bolder body often found in Indonesian or Vietnamese coffees.
4. Processing Methods
The process of extracting beans from coffee cherries (known as processing) significantly affects their final flavor profile. Common methods include washed (water-processed), natural (sun-dried), and honey processing.
Washed (Water-Processed): The cherry flesh is removed before fermentation and sun-drying, resulting in clear acidity and a refreshing flavor. Commonly used in Ethiopia and Colombia.
Natural (Sun-Dried): Beans are dried with the cherry flesh intact, creating intense fruity flavors and sweetness with complex undertones. This method is common in certain regions of Ethiopia and Brazil, yielding berry-like or winey notes.
Honey Process: Partially dried with some cherry flesh left intact, creating a balanced profile with sweetness and mild acidity. Often used in Costa Rica and El Salvador.
5. Harvest and Processing Techniques
Selective harvesting of ripe cherries increases the sugar content of the beans, resulting in sweet, aromatic flavors. Careful fermentation management during processing helps prevent off-flavors, producing a clean-tasting cup.
6. Roasting Effects
The roasting process further develops flavors and aromas, often adjusted to highlight the unique characteristics of each origin.
Light Roast: Enhances acidity and fruitiness, ideal for beans from Ethiopia and Kenya, where acidity is a key characteristic.
Medium Roast: Balances acidity and bitterness, suitable for well-rounded beans from Colombia and Guatemala.
Dark Roast: Emphasizes body and bitterness, often used for beans from Brazil or Indonesia, enhancing their depth.
Specialty coffee is shaped by a complex interplay of factors like climate, altitude, soil, variety, processing methods, and harvesting techniques. These conditions impart distinct flavors to the beans, making each origin unique. Understanding these elements reveals the unique characteristics that define the flavors of coffee from different regions.
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