スペシャリティーコーヒー、2025年注目の生産地はどこか?名古屋のスペシャリティーコーヒー店が解説(Specialty Coffee: Emerging Coffee-Producing Regions to Watch in 2025 – Explained by a Specialty Coffee Shop in Nagoya)

スペシャリティーコーヒー、2025年注目の生産地はどこか?名古屋のスペシャリティーコーヒー店が解説(Specialty Coffee: Emerging Coffee-Producing Regions to Watch in 2025 – Explained by a Specialty Coffee Shop in Nagoya)

こんにちは、名古屋のスペシャリティーコーヒーセレクトショップ、Z/X coffee新栄です。


① エクアドル – 「新興スペシャルティコーヒー産地」

✅ フローラルでフルーティーな香り(ジャスミン、ベルガモット)
✅ シルキーな口当たりと上品な酸味
✅ ゲイシャ種を中心としたプレミアムな品種の増産

📌 「エクアドルのゲイシャは、パナマ産に匹敵する品質を持つと評価されている」

② ブラジル – 「スペシャルティ化が進む世界最大の生産国」

✅ ナッツやキャラメルの甘みと滑らかな口当たり
✅ チョコレート系のフレーバーが強く、コクがある
✅ 近年はベリー系の酸味を持つロットも増えている

📌 「ブラジルのコーヒーは多様化し、伝統的な甘み+酸味のバランスが取れたスペシャルティが増加」

③ エチオピア – 「原点回帰と精製技術の進化」

✅ ベリーやトロピカルフルーツのような甘みと酸味
✅ ジャスミンや紅茶のようなフローラルな香り
✅ クリーンで複雑な風味があり、後味が心地よい

📌 「エチオピアは新たな精製技術と品種開発により、さらなる進化を遂げている」

④ パナマ – 「ゲイシャ種の進化と新しい品種の開発」

✅ ゲイシャ種の持つ極めてフローラルな香りと甘い風味
✅ ピーチやマスカットのような爽やかな酸味
✅ マイクロロットによる希少価値の高いコーヒーの増加

📌 「パナマはゲイシャの名産地としての地位を確立し、新しい品種にも挑戦中」

⑤ インドネシア – 「トラジャ・スマトラのスペシャルティ化」

✅ スパイシーでハーブ系の香りが特徴的
✅ フルボディでチョコレートやシナモンのような深みのある味わい
✅ スマトラ式精製によるユニークなアーシーな香り

📌 「インドネシアのスペシャルティ化は、深いコクと複雑な風味が融合した新時代へ」

⑥ ルワンダ – 「アフリカの隠れたスペシャルティ産地」

✅ ストーンフルーツ(桃、アプリコット)のような甘み
✅ シトラス系の酸味が心地よい
✅ ウォッシュドプロセスによるクリーンで明るいフレーバー

📌 「ルワンダのスペシャルティコーヒーは、明るい酸味と上品な甘さが魅力」


📌 「2025年のスペシャルティコーヒーは、新たな生産地の発展と精製技術の革新に注目!」

Z/X coffee 新栄


地下鉄東山線 新栄町駅 2番出口から徒歩2分


TEL 052-684-5872

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Specialty Coffee: Emerging Coffee-Producing Regions to Watch in 2025 – Explained by a Specialty Coffee Shop in Nagoya
Hello, this is Z/X Coffee Shinsakae, a specialty coffee select shop in Nagoya.

Emerging Specialty Coffee Regions to Watch in 2025
The specialty coffee industry continues to evolve, and 2025 is expected to bring attention to new coffee-producing regions and technological advancements. This year, notable regions include Ecuador, Brazil, Ethiopia, Panama, Indonesia, and Rwanda. These regions are investing in innovative cultivation techniques, varietal development, and advanced processing methods, leading to higher-quality coffee production.

  1. Ecuador – A Rising Specialty Coffee Powerhouse
    Why It’s Gaining Attention
    Ecuador has been rapidly increasing both the production and quality of its specialty coffee in recent years. Small-scale farms in high-altitude areas are focusing on rare varieties like Geisha, and experimental fermentation techniques, such as carbonic maceration, are being widely adopted.

Coffee Characteristics
✅ Floral and fruity aromas (Jasmine, Bergamot)
✅ Silky texture with refined acidity
✅ Increasing production of premium Geisha varieties

📌 "Ecuadorian Geisha coffee is now being recognized as rivaling the quality of Panama’s Geisha."

  1. Brazil – The Specialty Coffee Evolution of the World’s Largest Producer
    Why It’s Gaining Attention
    While Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world, it has traditionally been known for high-volume production rather than high-end specialty coffee. However, in 2025, Brazil is expected to see further growth in its specialty segment. The use of anaerobic fermentation and black honey processing is creating exciting new flavor profiles.

Coffee Characteristics
✅ Nutty and caramel sweetness with a smooth body
✅ Rich chocolate flavors with depth
✅ Increasing number of lots featuring bright berry-like acidity

📌 "Brazilian coffee is becoming more diverse, with a growing number of balanced specialty offerings featuring both sweetness and acidity."

  1. Ethiopia – Tradition Meets Innovation in Coffee Processing
    Why It’s Gaining Attention
    Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee and is famous for its traditional natural process coffees. However, in 2025, the country is expected to focus on advanced processing techniques and climate resilience measures. Hybrid processing methods combining natural and washed techniques are also being explored to create new and exciting flavor profiles.

Coffee Characteristics
✅ Bright berry and tropical fruit sweetness
✅ Floral notes of jasmine and tea-like elegance
✅ Clean, complex flavors with a smooth finish

📌 "Ethiopian coffee is evolving through new processing methods and varietal research, pushing the boundaries of specialty coffee."

  1. Panama – Beyond Geisha: Exploring New Coffee Varieties
    Why It’s Gaining Attention
    Panama is widely recognized as the home of Geisha coffee, but in 2025, the focus will shift to enhancing the quality of other coffee varieties. More precise fermentation controls are also being developed to further refine flavor profiles.

Coffee Characteristics
✅ Exceptionally floral and sweet Geisha flavors
✅ Peach and muscat-like bright acidity
✅ Increase in high-value micro-lot coffees

📌 "Panama is solidifying its reputation as a top-tier Geisha producer while also exploring new varietals for the future."

  1. Indonesia – The Rise of Toraja and Specialty Sumatran Coffees
    Why It’s Gaining Attention
    Indonesia has long been known for its heavy-bodied Mandheling coffees, but recently, the Toraja region has been gaining traction in the specialty coffee world. Additionally, natural processing methods are being integrated alongside the traditional Sumatra wet-hulled process.

Coffee Characteristics
✅ Spicy and herbal aromas
✅ Full-bodied with deep chocolate and cinnamon notes
✅ Unique earthy characteristics from the Sumatra wet-hulled method

📌 "Indonesia’s specialty coffee revolution is blending deep complexity with enhanced clarity and nuance."

  1. Rwanda – The Hidden Gem of African Specialty Coffee
    Why It’s Gaining Attention
    While Rwanda has remained relatively under the radar compared to Ethiopia and Kenya, 2025 is set to be the year when it gains significant recognition. The expansion of high-altitude coffee cultivation is leading to more clean, vibrant cup profiles.

Coffee Characteristics
✅ Sweet stone fruit flavors (Peach, Apricot)
✅ Bright citrus acidity
✅ Clean and refined flavors from high-quality washed processing

📌 "Rwandan specialty coffee stands out with its bright acidity and delicate sweetness, making it an emerging favorite in the African coffee scene."

In 2025, traditional powerhouses like Ethiopia and Panama will continue to shine, while Ecuador, Brazil, Indonesia, and Rwanda are set to emerge as leading specialty coffee producers. With advancements in processing techniques and varietal development, coffee lovers can expect a wider variety of exceptional coffees with unique and diverse flavor profiles.

📌 "The future of specialty coffee in 2025 is all about innovation in processing techniques and the rise of emerging coffee-growing regions!"